Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Atop Mout Logan, Az

Last summer I was able to stop by the Northwest corner of Arizona and visit a few places on my "Must See" list. Mount Logan is near the Grand Canyon. I was surprised by the huge Ponderosa Pines! The area is well forested and there is lots of wildlife. We saw wild turkeys, squirrels, Mule deer, vultures, haws, and more.

We camped one night and then had to move on but I can't get it out of my head. It was so beautiful there that I had trouble concentrating on the reason I had come to Mount Logan in the first place. I was doing research for my book. I won't get into that right now.

My brother John went with me and it was the first time since we were kids that we had done anything but work together. I totally enjoyed our time and I feel he did too. The night we were on Mount Logan was the only night we had a camp fire. I finally got to show off my Roasting Sticks when we cooked our brats. summercooks.com is the name of the company that makes them, we didn't have to go looking for green bushes to cut up. I like to feel that my stay, no mater how long, leaves no trace of environmental damage behind. Anyway, the Roasting Sticks are made of stainless steel with long oak handles. John was impressed! We ate and sat by the fire listening to coyotes on the mountainside in the dark.

The next day we took a short hike and then broke camp. We had a lot of rough road to cover on our way to Tuweep (or Toroweap) which ever way you want to spell it. You can't go to that part of the world and not see the Grand Canyon, can you?